To me appreciation, interest and empathy, respect and discretion represent the basis for any encounter with other persons. Seeing the individual, knowing his/her strenghts, boosting his/her potential! Having faith in you as well as helping you discover your skills and resources, gives you power and courage. You will develop self-confidence,  feel good – and as you feel good, so will those around you. I will not lead you to your goals with ready-made solutions. With different methods I will support you in achieving the goals you have set for yourself, according to your individual needs.

I work with the Kutschera-Resonanz® Methode by Dr. Gundl Kutschera who developed this holistic method by integrating and combing elements from different approaches (e.g. Superlearning, mental training, neurolinguistic programing, systemic approaches, etc.)  

‘Lebens-und Sozialberatung’ is considered the fourth pillar in the Austrian Health System besides medical, psycho-therapeutical, clinical-psychological and health-psychological care. Completed training as required by law is the precondition to obtain the license .

‘Lebens- und Sozialberatung’ can replace neither psychological consultation nor psychotherapy.


'If I treat myself with care, accept myself with love and discover those around me with interest, I live in the present - with myself and with others. Recognize your strengths and enjoy them in the company of others.'